Auction Catalog


Below is a preview of the the auction catalog. Please note that some of these items may be combined into a larger package for the auction.

Be sure to check back to view newly added items as the auction day approaches!

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Displaying items 1 - 12 of 22 in total

$25 Gift Certificate to Emerald ...

Emerald City Fired Arts

$3 Non Acoholic Beverage Ticket

Friends of Hawthorne PTA

$50 PCC Scrip Card


$6 Alcohol Beverage Ticket

Friends of Hawthorne PTA

1. Backyard Game Set (secret dou...

Moose Math

Take home the Jenga, Cornhole and KanJam games played during the silent auction and enjoy them during your next backyard BBQ. 

Take home the Jenga, Cornhole and KanJam games played during the silent auction and enjoy them during your next backyard BBQ. 

Take home the Jenga, Cornhole and KanJam games played during the silent auction and enjoy them during your next backyard BBQ. 

Dessert Dash

Friends of Hawthorne PTA

Donuts for Volunteers

Katherine Kribbs

Gift Certificate for DASSdance S...

Dass Dance

Gift Certificate for Geraldine's...


Golden Paddle Raffle - LED Jelly...

Friends of Hawthorne PTA

Nature Portrait Package by Etern...

Eterna Studios

Online Test Prep with Top ACT an...

Karen Berlin Ishii Premier Tutoring and Test Prep