Auction Catalog


Below is a preview of the the auction catalog. Please note that some of these items may be combined into a larger package for the auction.

Be sure to check back to view newly added items as the auction day approaches!

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Displaying items 13 - 22 of 22 in total

Raise the Paddle

Friends of Hawthorne PTA

Raise the Paddle - $1,000

Friends of Hawthorne PTA

Raise the paddle for Hawthorne!

$1,000 cash donation

Raise the paddle for Hawthorne!

$1,000 cash donation

Raise the paddle for Hawthorne!

$1,000 cash donation

Raise the Paddle - $1,500

Friends of Hawthorne PTA

Raise the paddle for Hawthorne!

$1,500 cash donation

Raise the paddle for Hawthorne!

$1,500 cash donation

Raise the paddle for Hawthorne!

$1,500 cash donation

Raise the Paddle - $125

Friends of Hawthorne PTA

Raise the paddle for Hawthorne!

$125 cash donation

Raise the paddle for Hawthorne!

$125 cash donation

Raise the paddle for Hawthorne!

$125 cash donation

Raise the Paddle - $2,000

Friends of Hawthorne PTA

Raise the paddle for Hawthorne!

$2,000 cash donation

Raise the paddle for Hawthorne!

$2,000 cash donation

Raise the paddle for Hawthorne!

$2,000 cash donation

Raise the Paddle - $250

Friends of Hawthorne PTA

Raise the paddle for Hawthorne!

$250 cash donation

Raise the paddle for Hawthorne!

$250 cash donation

Raise the paddle for Hawthorne!

$250 cash donation

Raise the Paddle - $50

Friends of Hawthorne PTA

Raise the paddle for Hawthorne!

$50 cash donation

Raise the paddle for Hawthorne!

$50 cash donation

Raise the paddle for Hawthorne!

$50 cash donation

Raise the Paddle - $500

Friends of Hawthorne PTA

Raise the paddle for Hawthorne!

$500 cash donation

Raise the paddle for Hawthorne!

$500 cash donation

Raise the paddle for Hawthorne!

$500 cash donation

Science Center Family Pack

Pacific Science Center

Urban Portrait Package by Eterna...

Eterna Studios